The scope of a glance
Fátyol Zoltán performs with the stimulative force of the pictures, the impulses appear extravagantly in his work, mainly without definition, harmonised in a dream- like manner. However the messages emitted by the mystery and materials of a chaotic appearance, are not lacking in elegance.
Fátyol Zoltán’s series of pictures produced by a composite technique are like so many hollows awaiting discovery or rather fertile tracts, where tiny, sometimes wryly laughable elements are scattered about. But they can also be towns in the night where indistinguishable beings wander about in the darkness. Tenuous silhouettes suddenly take their place among the outlines, evidencing that a concealed aesthetics lies beyond the shapeless material. These stimulant outlines are indistinct and uncertain, like notes prepared an a journey of discovery, but they come into secure hands, which frequently direct them with startling precision. In the disorder of the elements the objects are here and there pensive and reverential, fixed, suspended and interrogated, at the wish of this collector of specialities. To create all this, the artist consciously applies the material opportunities hidden in this composite technique.
The chronicles and legends of this mysterious world of undiscovered depths are united and appear like abbreviated commentaries or mistaken messages, which even so unambiguously show the path to certitude. But the key has been lost, and nothing provides the solution. Many entrances exist in this sphere of composed manifestations, and the concomitant to all this is several open zones and visibility through the mist.
(Fátyol Zoltán, paintings, composite technique, Pommier Galeria, Neuchatel cultural centre, Neuchatel, until 27th April. OUTLINE OF ROUTE – memorials to dreams, or the lost realities.)